“What right wing billionaires on both sides of the pond have realised is that by pumping out their version of events non stop, they can alter the mood music, the zeitgeist and the tone of debate. The centre ground once held by major media outlets shifts as they respond to the far right, as if they are just slightly right of centre.”

This cannot be stressed enough.

Eating dogs and cats in Springfield one day becomes the TRUTH the next day

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Maybe we should all encourage a boycott of the Torygraph (like the Sun on Merseyside)

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No they may improve their cricket commentary

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Possibly, but their crossword is still rubbish

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Yes. Yes indeed, sadly.

Kamala Harris is mow a Marxist! That nice, reliable Mr Trump says so ...

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Not just in the UK and US. In Italy too, and I'm sure other countries, the majority of the mainstream media continually refer to the Fascistic/authoritarian Right, led by Meloni and Salvini, as "centrodestra" (centre Right).

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