Why is it - especially over brexit - that the voices of the swivel-eyed loons are always louder and more raucous than the voices of reason, “alternative facts” more prominent than truth? The last 14 long years have been a disaster in many ways, not least in encouraging the nonsense that there are different kinds of truth and that people are entitled to their “own truth” Fucking grow up and accept reality - you can’t change it by believing in unicorns and fairies

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This country operates under the notion that the head of state was directly chosen by a deity. BBC News gives updates on the travels of a geriatric man commandeering a sleigh piloted by flying reindeer who has a supernatural connection with time and space. The Speaker of the House will punish anyone who suggests the ‘Honourable’ members of the House might not be telling the truth. Unfortunately in the UK there’s plenty of evidence that you can change things by believing in fairies and unicorns - in fact it’s the default position.

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Maybe Stella Creasy and her group within Labour will become the new Spartans and make the difference in a good way.

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