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The ugliness of Farage should not prevent us from critical consideration of the diplomacy leading up to the Ukraine war. Lets be clear, western policy is not responsible for the war. Putin runs a neo feudal oligarchy with an historically paranoid perception of external threats. But that paranoia is not wholly without justification since it was invaded by Napoleon and Hitler, suffered a western sponsored counter revolution after 1917 and was involved in a cold war during much of the 20th century.

Russia is right in thinking that western nations have sought to encircle it. Having regard to its political character, we say that is self defence. But we should know better than to think that is how Russia will see it.

Ukraine is a sovereign state which is entitled to apply to join the EU and NATO if it wishes. But neither is required to accept it. And whilst Putin might have swallowed EU membership, it was always going to be highly risky for Ukraine to join NATO. With hindsight, the push for NATO membership looks like a mistake that cost Ukraine dear. This is not to defend Putin. But it is to recognise that there are limits to the right to self determination. It always sits within a web of sometimes beligerent international relationships.

It is ironic that the nationalist Farage of all people should be pro Putin over Ukraine given his emphasis on national sovereignty. But he gave his game away when he said he admires Putin's control of the country.

The unfortunate reality facing Ukraine is a military and political stalemate which will compromise it in multiple spheres for many years to come. Trump may even sell it out completely. So much for the right to self determination.

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