What a brilliant, if somewhat niche, example of all that was the stupidity of Brexshit. May 'the parable of the bottle tops' be taught to children throughout the land, so that they may grow up that bit wiser than their foolish forebears.

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It seems to me that the swivel-eyed loons and chums don’t always like the term ‘UK’, often preferring ‘Great Britain’ or ‘Britain’, presumably because of the (inaccurate) connotations of greatness, despite the political inaccuracy. How wonderful that they will try and find a hill to die on (please, and soon) made of something so trivial, and where they are so plainly wrong. Stupid enough when bojo said “fuck business”, now it’s positively moronic.

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The referendum must be just about the most stupid decision to be granted to the electorate. No ifs and no buts. The Tory Party leadership election will be a joy to behold.

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