He didn't even call...
The fact that President Biden didn’t even call the British PM before deciding to pull out his troops and let the Taliban take back Afghanistan, tells you a great deal. Decades of supporting the US, the lost lives, maimed soldiers and billions in wasted money has meant nothing to Washington. Sure, it’s nice to be able to say that America is not acting alone but this isn’t a special relationship.
More worryingly President Biden seems to be accepting that President Trump changed the rules of the international order and there is no going back. America is not willing to unflinchingly support its allies, be the world’s policeman or make the world safe for democracy.
For the UK this matters more than most. Abandoning the strongest possible alliance in Europe instead of making it stronger and throwing itself at the feet of America, begging to be its bestie, was always stupid beyond words. But now the timing has turned out to be disastrous too.
Brexit Britain, Global Britain, one half of the “special relationship” and he didn’t even call, who do you think you are fooling? This egotistical farce needs to stop and the UK needs to face reality. It has burnt its bridges with Europe and isn’t even on the USA’s radar.
Fantasy politics might work at home but in the big, cold, real world they don’t.
Jonty’s Jottings
Economics, trade and Brexit, not necessarily in that order but the dog always comes first.